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Cave Motifs in Chinese and Armenian Literature: Portals to the Mystical World and Their Literary Legacy


Anna Adamyan is from the Republic of Armenia. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Philosophy and Religious Studies at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. She holds two master’s degrees, one in Religious Studies and the other in Theology.

Her research interests encompass various aspects of Armenian Chinese connections, focusing also on Chinese religions, notably Daoism, and exploring the Armenian Chinese concepts surrounding death and the underworld. Additionally, she is intrigued by the historical interactions between the Armenian Apostolic Church and other religious traditions. 

Her published articles are RELIGIOUS STATUS IN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (Journal of Oriental studies XVII, Yerevan State University, 2021, p.139-149.), “THE TAOIST MODEL OF AN IDEAL SOCIETY” (SCIENTIFIC ARTSAKH, Yerevan, № 3 (18), 2023, p. 89-99).